As I mentioned earlier, my friend Tee and I are in Mongolia this summer on a grant from the Davis Projects for Peace initiative by The Davis Foundation. We are happy to announce that construction of the greenhouse has been completed!

Construction and materials were bought from a Korean company  by the name of Evergreen Land Co. Ltd. (мөнx ногоон тал xxк), and cost about 3000 USD. Construction took, in total, about 4 days even after a delay due to high wind speeds this past weekend. Pictures of the construction process on Monday is shown below:

The planting in process
3 rows of cucumbers, 2 rows of tomatoes, and 2 rows of peppers

The 14th School is the main school in Khongor, although some of the residents choose to send their children to school is Darkhan, which has more resources. Many of the kids that attend The 14th School, however, are children of herders, and so must board during the school months. It is the aim of this project to supplement their diets, which are heavily meat-based, with the vegetables that will be grown within the greenhouse. Moreover, it is our greatest hope that these students will be exposed to health risks associated with a heavy meat diet, and take precautions to protect themselves and their families against it; namely through a more varied and balanced diet, as well as diet and exercise.

The Opening Ceremony was held Tuesday early morning. Tee and I got to say some words to the students and community members, and lay clear our aims. The greenhouse was opened to much excitement and curiosity.

Tee being interviewed by the local TV station
Tee being interviewed by the local TV station
Getting into place for a group photo
Getting into place…
Group photo success!
Group photo success!

But as Tee said in the joint speech, this is just the beginning step. We are now ready for Phase 2 – raising awareness about preventable and chronic diseases, urging a lifestyle of balanced diets and regular exercise, and actually introducing these grown vegetables into the modern Mongolian diet.

Phase 1 complete
Phase 1 complete


6 responses to “The Greenhouse Project – Update”

  1. Good job guys! What’s the building material? How solid is it considering harsh weather in Mongolia?


  2. Very very good job. I am really proud of you guys! I hope the project will be done successfully for you guys, and 14h school kids and Khongor residents will continue the project for a long time.


  3. Some relevant link to get ideas from:

    Click to access ftf_progressreport_2014.pdf


  4. So proud of you and Tee!


  5. I was at Kenyon College last week visiting a friend and was able to hear Tee’s presentation on your project. Congratulations on everything you accomplished! I would love to see more pictures of the greenhouse if you have some – and the vegetables that were “put up” for the winter.


  6. Instead of spending $ 3000 in the beginning, why not experiment with bamboo poles and plastic cover or even chicken mesh with leaves on top for protection from wind and dust . Grow cauliflower or cabbage or brinjal or beans of different varieties, etc Once protection is given all vegetables can grow well . The creepers will grow up , provided some rope is tied for support while the cabbage and cauliflower and greens will grow on the ground . Search the web for different mode of cultivation in the green houses. You will get lot more ideas .


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